Just Live

When I began blogging, my goal was to have it as my creative outlet. I remember I was going through some sad times and I needed something to keep me distracted from all the uneasiness I was dealing with. Creating this blog was the greatest idea as up to this date it brings me true joy and satisfaction to write here. The most important thing is – I do this completely and entirely for myself. There are times when I feel a bit embarrassed when I realize that some of my friends or people I know may come across this blog and read it. But at the end of the day, I really truly don’t care who reads it and what they think of it. Yes, this is me, and I talk about a bunch of weird things on here – my mixed up emotions, my lows and my highs, my heartbreaks and my moments of ‘enlightenment’; I post pictures of myself, I share my personal details – the list goes on and on. At the end of the day, what matters to me is that this is the place where I can be my real self.

I kept thinking about making this blog more of a ‘picture perfect’ place, where I would talk about only the good things, ‘manifesting’ all the great things in my life through my positive writing. But that’s not who I am. I am not a person who can turn on my optimism. I cannot fake happiness, if I am feeling low. Not that I cannot physically do it – I could if I wanted to; but I don’t want to. I like real, raw emotions. I like dealing with things that may not be pleasant at times, but truly getting to the bottom of them. I like analyzing the cause and effect of various events taking place in my life. Some people are able to ‘close their eyes’ on many things in life and just go with the flow. I like to keep my eyes open, stop and take a moment to reflect and appreciate the moment for what it is. Whether I am happy or sad, on the grand schema of things it does not really matter. What matters is that I am, I feel, I live.

Living Room Coffee Table

Interior decor, similar to fashion, is a great way to express one’s creativity by surrounding ourselves with beautiful items. For this post, I would like to showcase a few pictures of the coffee table we have in our living room. To decorate it, we put a centerpiece of roses in a bubble vase, an elegant creamer and sugar bowl set, and a pile of magazines and books.

I really like how this table came out – it’s elegant and classy, and it still can be used to hold our food and drinks when we decide to spend some quality time in front of the TV.

Most Honest Post To Date (ED Recovery)

“To recover from an eating disorder is to be thrown into the middle of the ocean without a life vest. You’ll struggle and sometimes you’ll get pulled under, but you will learn to swim.”

I once read this quote which very accurately describes recovery from an eating disorder. It’s a struggle. It’s a lifestyle in itself, a very destructive one. As you try to get well, instead of feeling strong, the mean voices in your head just get louder. The voices that tell you “you’re not good enough,” “no one will like you if you gain weight,” “you’ll be just like everyone else; even worse, because at least everyone else has their sh*t together,” “you will no longer be special if you gain weight,” etc., etc. Yeah, “special”. In my mind, my eating disorder makes me “special.”

I have been struggling with eating disorders (the whole array of them) since 2005, and even though I get better every once in a while, I have never fully recovered. It’s not as easy as I thought it would be. And I try. Boy, do I try! For those of you out there who think that beating an eating disorder is as easy as saying “just start eating more and don’t worry about it,” are f#*%ing crazy. I apologize for the foul language but I’m just trying to make a point. There is nothing ‘easy’ about eating disorders. Nothing. It’s a long way, straight down unfortunately. And the older you get, the more complicated dealing with it gets. The metabolism is not as fast anymore, your cravings get stronger after years of abusing your body, you learn ways to restrict and purge your body of food, and the guilt grows bigger than life. And just like that, slowly but surely things spiral out of control.

You lose your ability to feel satisfied. Your satisfaction comes from either restricting your calories to feel skinny (“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” anyone?) or from stuffing your face with enormous amounts of food. The infamous binge/restrict cycle. There is no such thing as eating in moderation. What is moderation? Is that thing even real?

The toughest part is even if in your mind you want to recover, you want to live that nice life where thinking about food does not occupy 90% of your daily activities, you cannot let go of the guilt. You cannot let go of the idea that thin does not equal pretty. You cannot accept the fact that so many people are going to be thinner than you after you gain the weight back. You will no longer win the game. You will now be a loser. The crazy thing is that I am ready to be recovered because I am tired of the constant mind-game; but as ready as I am, just thinking about letting myself eat anything I want and allowing myself to gain weight gives me panic attacks, quite literally. But that brings me right back to the beginning of the cycle described above; that is the exact fear that lies at the very base of the eating disorder.

With all that said, recovery is possible. Or that’s what they tell me. I have been going back and forth with this for months. I have tried every possible scenario: I’ve tried to find my passion to keep my mind off of food, but food would always end up taking priority over my passion; I’ve tried to let myself eat what I want, but the guilt would always push me back into restriction; I declared so many days as my ‘fresh start’, and it lasted for various periods of time until I would relapse all over again. See the pattern? Somehow, my mind always finds tricks to snap back into the illness. Somehow, it seems impossible to completely let go of the disease. It seems to be a permanent passenger in my life journey. But even after all that, I still believe that recovery is possible. It will become even more real when I finally stop comparing myself to the others and basing my self-worth on how thin I am compared to other people.

Over the past few days, probably even few months, I have been doing quite a lot of research on how to recover from an eating disorder. After all the research, I have a good idea of what it takes. You basically need to let your body loose (I mean it in a good way) – stop restricting, stop yo-yoing between recovery and relapse, eat calorie-dense foods, do not overcompensate (no purging, no skipping meals, no exercise), do not let yourself get too hungry, etc. (advice from http://followtheintuition.tumblr.com/). Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. The fear of letting yourself loose is exactly what underlies the principles of eating disorders. And the cycle does not end there. In addition to the emotional turmoil of having to accept yourself just the way you are, you have to deal with stomach issues (bloating, constipation), and the constant questioning of whether it’s even going to work. But after having seen a number of real-life examples (I am talking real real-life examples, not some polished Instagram stars), I am hopeful. I am ready to fight. I want the life fueled by guilt, dissatisfaction, and self-disappointment to be over. Even as I write this, my inner voice tells me otherwise. It wants me to go back to being in control, it tells me that I will never win in life if I lose that control over keeping myself thin, it tells me that people will see me differently if I gain weight. But here’s what I want to say to that voice (yes, I know I’m totally talking to myself): “I am tired of following your stupid rules. I am tired of suppressing my personality just because I am “not thin enough yet” to claim people’s attention. I am tired of suppressing my femininity and trying to make my body look like a teenager’s. I am tired of feeling that I am never good enough, no matter what I do and say and how I act. I am tired of being controlled by the food, and not being in control of the food. I WILL NOT PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE.”

Honestly, if I want “staying thin” to be my biggest achievement in life, then it’s an issue in itself. I want to be proud not of having an eating disorder, but of having had it in the past and having beat it for good. I know it will take time, and I will have my sad moments, but I know I can do it. Slowly but surely I will beat my eating disorder’s a$$. I am sad, of course, because I am trying to let go of an important part of who I am (even though that part is self-destructive), but it is the right thing to do if I want to live a normal life. I am sad because I am trying to break all my principles by which I have lived for the past 11 years (yep, since 2005). I am sad because somewhere deep inside I don’t want to recover as this disease is my security blanket. But also deep inside, I know that this is the right thing to do. So I am sad but I hold my head up high.

Penn’s Landing Photoshoot (July)

Before we begin, I just want to say that these photos were taken back in July. It is definitely way too cold in the Northeastern U.S. now to even think about wearing shorts; however, I did want to post these photos on my blog just because I think they turned out quite well.

That weekend I was visiting my parents in Philadelphia. The first item on our itinerary was stopping by Penn’s Landing, which is a waterfront area of Philadelphia Center City along the Delaware River, to shoot some photographs. Since the day was incredibly hot, I opted for a simple outfit of short shorts and a cute black top, with some comfortable flat sandals.

The day was very cloudy, which was actually great for us as it created some beautiful-sky photo backgrounds.

Wearing here:
Shorts: Urban Outfitters (similar); Top: Express; Sandals: via Amazon; Bag: Lucky Brand; Sunnies: Oakley

Prospect Park Boathouse

I experience some of my happiest moments when I pick up my camera and head over outside to take some photographs. Something about that click on the camera shutter and that moment you capture a beautiful image that just elevates my mood.

These photos were taken in Brooklyn’s one and only Prospect Park. Seriously, every time I go to this park, I come across something new, something wonderful. This time I was delighted to see swans by the Boathouse. Live swans – what can be better models? And of course, there were a few other places with interesting views, so those got captured as well.


What Is My Passion?

For the longest time I have been trying to find who I am. I have been searching for my true passions, looking for the things that make me happy, figuring out what I want out of my life. And what I have realized is that by overanalyzing pretty much everything that occurs in my life, I end up focusing on all the wrong things. I end up focusing on the things I don’t have or don’t want instead of being grateful for what I have; I end up evaluating my past or planning my future instead of living in the present; I end up beating myself up for all the ‘mistakes’ I make instead of rewarding myself for my little daily victories.

After an immense amount of research on the topic, I finally realized that all this self-discovery, which eventually turns into self-loathing, must end now. Now is the time to focus on what I love, what I am grateful for and what simply makes me laugh. Now is the time to manifest my dreams and passions into reality.

There are so many things I love: writing, New York City, fashion, art, music, life. And how sad is it that with all this self-analysis I forget just how important those things are to me. Therefore, today I decided to share more positive thoughts, creating posts where I am actually grateful for what’s going on in my life. Some of it may be silly, some of it may be extremely serious, but regardless of its significance and meaning, this will be my way of getting back on track with appreciating my life in its present moment and documenting those treasured moments.

Wearing here:
Sweater: Forever 21; Jeans: Strawberry; Bag: via TJ Maxx

One of My Hobbies (Painting)

I don’t know about you, but I am the type of person who does not like to stay in one place for too long, whether it’s my physical location or my occupation/hobbies. Especially when it comes to my hobbies – I cannot focus on just one thing, I like them all! There are just so many interesting, creative things one can do, so why limit ourselves on anything specific? With this thinking in mind, I switch my engagements from writing, to drawing, to painting, to photography, to playing guitar. You name it – I’ve tried it! But as foolish and disorganized as it may seem, these are my ways to express myself, and my outlets change depending on the day, my mood, and other circumstances. So today I wanted to share a few of my painting with you. By no means am I a famous artist, but this is something that I just like to do to help me get through certain feelings or situations.

What are your favorite hobbies?

Cafe Lalo

Have you ever seen the movie “You’ve Got Mail’? I have, probably around 1,000 times. I don’t know what it is about that movie, but it just makes me so happy. And how can it not – the plot is engaging and sweet, the actors are great, and the way they film New York City makes me incredibly grateful that I live here.

There is a scene is the movie where Meg Ryan is waiting for her email friend in a very cute cafe. I always like to see if the places where certain scenes in movies are filmed are actual NYC places. Thankfully, this one was a real place – Cafe Lalo. Of course, as soon as I found out that the place was real, I made it a point to go there and check it out. That was a few years ago, and to this date I frequently go to that cafe and bring all my family and friends there with me. That’s just how good it is. In addition to their cheerful ambiance with bright artistic decor, their food is absolutely delicious.

This time I went there with my parents when they were visiting. We went there for brunch, so of course drinks were in order. For my meal, my selection was a Lalo Salad, something I crave from time to time. It is just so, so delicious! It is basically a bunch of grilled vegetables (cauliflower, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, avocado, and I’m probably forgetting something), that are mixed together with some delicious vinegar-based sauce.

I strongly recommend you check this place out if you live in or are visiting New York City.



When you go out to shoot photographs, it is important to dress appropriately. Photography requires a certain level of comfort and flexibility, as you have to truly work around your object to capture it at the right angle and have it come up well.

For this session in Prospect Park, I selected a button-down shirt with leggings and converse shoes. This outfit is pretty much my go to when it comes to going out to take photos. It lets me move around without constraints and it just looks cool, in my opinion.
